Monday 16 July 2012


Our first day on the trip was exciting and full of fun. It was lovely to meet everyone at breakfast. I am travelling with a great group of people; we all get along really well - though poor Garry has to put up with 8 women ha ha ha!!

We had a group meeting after breakfast where we went over our itinerary and Sue P, our group leader, answered any questions we had. We then went to the Australian Embassy where Dean Woodgate, the Education Counsellor gave a presentation which gave us an overview of Korean Education. It is very different to Australian Education in that the focus is always on the end goal of university and career, which little attention paid to physical activity or lateral thinking.

Following this, Dean came with us for lunch. Oh my goodness me, I don't think I've ever eaten so much in one meal before. The food just kept on coming. Silly me, who can't use chopsticks had to ask for a fork. Pretty sad hey!! Oh, and one of the things I ate was jelly fish. Sounds gross, but it wasn't too bad at all. It was sort of like calamari.

After lunch most of us went to a local market, the sights, sounds, smells and shopping were great!! I hope to get back there again before I head for home.

In the evening we had a formal welcome dinner where we again had a LOT to eat!!

Three of us then went exploring Seoul and many Korean's stopped to ask us where we were from ... I can now say "Australia" in Korean! One drunk Korean man said "I love Australia. You come home with me". We laughed so hard a that. We all have sore ribs this morning from laughing so had. We were taking photos of an elderly Korean woman outside her cafe and when we went to leave, she ushered us inside and gave us a drink for free. The hospitality of the Korean people is a beautiful thing.

Till  next time!


  1. Mum How could you eat that? It sounds gross!

  2. YUCK MUM i hate calamari so i would hate jelly fish! Mum i misss u heaps but still YUCK!
    _Jessie :)

  3. mum i dont know how you could have eaten jelly fish i love you heaps

  4. It wasn't so bad eating the jelly fish :D Now, kimchi, on the other hand is a different story. I can't eat that!
