Saturday 7 July 2012

One week to go!!

There is only one week to go until I'll be flying to South Korea. I must admit, I'm a bit nervous - it drives me crazy just flying from Melbourne to Brisbane and that's only a short flight!! I think I'll stay up the night before so I'm really tired on the trip and hopefully sleep most of the way. Knowing my luck, I'll fall asleep at the airport though and miss my flight LOL. I'll take the books Ms. Pryor has leant me and knitting on board with me to help while away the time.

I've had to organise a fair bit for this trip - passport, business cards, medical check, immunisations, participant agreement (yes, I'll behave while on the trip!!), and have participated in a webinar where the teachers going introduced ourselves to each other and got to ask questions about the trip, such as what clothes we should take, what gifts are suitable etc.

I still have to buy gifts for the family where I'll have dinner one night and gifts for the two student guides. I also need to buy some little trinkets that represent Australia to pass out to students at the schools we will visit.

It has been fascinating to read about the Korean Culture and am looking forward to being able to immerse myself in this culture for two weeks. I'm also excited to come back and share with everyone all I have learned. This really will be the experience of a life time. Fitzy is convinced I will catch the travel bug ... we shall see!!

Oh, note to self ... must pack FLAT shoes!!!!

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